I am frequently asked whether prices at online auctions are good. Whether they are better than at online stores. Whether they are better than in brick-and-mortar stores. Seems like a simple question. As a matter of fact, it is not. Those who have read my previous posts know that I’m a big fan of online […]
ShopperLib Latest Articles
Opals Demystified: How to Get an Opal Necklace with a 14K Gold Clasp for Under $100

In ancient times Bedouins believed that opals contained lightning and fell from the sky during thunderstorms. Opals have been compared to galaxies, rainbows, and volcanoes. A vast diversity of legends and myths surrounds opals and their origins. Indeed, opal is a mysterious stone. While looking at its kaleidoscope of colors it is easy to imagine […]
Antique and Vintage Singer Sewing Machines: Identification & Value

Whether you have inherited an antique Singer sewing machine or want to buy one for your collection, you might wonder how much it is worth. Due to the long and rich history, these machines are becoming increasingly popular among collectors and sewing machine enthusiasts. The history of Singer sewing machines dates back to 1851. In […]
How to Bid to Win on eBay: 3 Simple Tips

Bidding on eBay is no rocket science. Everyone can do that. Nevertheless, there are a few simple tricks that will help you to win on eBay auctions and save your money. I will give you three simple tips on how to bid on eBay to win straight away. Later on, I will explain in more […]
eBay Reviews: Can You Trust Them and How to Read Them Properly?

Have you ever thought of how reliable eBay reviews are? I have been using eBay for 16 years now and, honestly speaking, it took me many years to realize that there might be issues with the reliability of their reviews. According to Salesforce, 85 percent of consumers conduct online research before making a purchase online. […]
7 Out of 10 Online Auction Buyers Make One of These 3 Mistakes. Are You a Smart Shopper?

The Attraction of Online Auction Sites The rise of online auctions began with eBay in 1995. Online auction sites have been becoming increasingly popular ever since. Millions of items are auctioned off every day. There are all kinds of online auctions – starting from the ones where you can buy almost anything, e.g. eBay, to […]
Is Your Vintage Jewelry Really Vintage?

Vintage jewelry is becoming increasingly popular. Actually, it is so popular that some buyers are ready to pay more (sometimes even substantially more) for a piece of vintage jewelry than for a similar piece of contemporary jewelry. This may seem somewhat illogical, taking into account the fact that contemporary jewelry is new and unworn, whereas […]
Catawiki: Proudly Selling You Jewelry with Fake Emeralds

Catawiki is an expert-curated online auction house. Every lot offered for sale is reviewed by an expert, which means it should be safe to buy there. But is it? Research shows that jewelry with fake gemstones is being sold on this auction website continuously. So, a question arises – are Catawiki experts no experts at […]
Green Beryl vs. Emerald: Color, Value & Warning

Have you ever bought a piece of emerald jewelry? Are you planning to buy one? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this is a must-read for you. In essence, green beryls are beryls that do not meet the color standards of an emerald. To put it simply, they are not green […]
Cadmium in Jewelry: A Threat to Your Health

What is Cadmium? Cadmium is bluish-white, soft metal. Although it is a natural element in the Earth’s crust, its concentration is extremely low. According to Wikipedia, “the average concentration of cadmium in Earth’s crust is between 0.1 and 0.5 parts per million (ppm)”. Usually, cadmium is not present in the environment as a pure metal. […]