Recently I had this conversation at a shopping mall:
Me: What is this?
Salesperson: These are pearls.
Me: Are they real?
Salesperson: I think so. They are Majorica. It’s a well known brand.
Me: Are you sure they are real? They look too perfect to be real.
Salesperson: I’m pretty sure. Why would they otherwise call them pearls?
So, are they indeed real? And are they worth the price?
Dear Ellen,
No, they are not real. Majorica “pearls” are not pearls. The only thing they have in common with pearls is the round shape. Majorica are imitation pearls made of glass and coated with a coating that is made from fish scales.
In my humble opinion, they are not worth the price.
Regards, GemCollector
Dear Ellen,
In my humble opinion, Majorica pearls are not worth the price. You can get a nice strand of natural freshwater pearls for the same price. So, why would you buy some man-made imitation made of cheap glass and God knows what else when there are better alternatives?
Sincerely, Anna