Dear all,
Please beware of jewelry with fake turquoise. There is plenty of silver jewelry with fake turquoise on the market at the moment.
Recently, I tested several items at a public Assay Office, and it turned out to be plastic instead of turquoise (see the image attached).
Unfortunately, items with fake turquoise (blue plastic) are being sold even by otherwise honest and reputable sellers (e.g. egemdiamond and gemsporium on eBay). I don’t know whether they are aware of this problem or not. Their listings state it’s turquoise. It’s not!
More importantly, many resellers buy jewelry from gemsporium and egemdiamond, and resell it via other sales channels at substantially higher prices. Thus, buyers risk losing substantial amounts of money as most resellers do not test what they buy and resell.
If you have any information about jewelry with fake turquoise that’s being sold as real turquoise, any other fake jewelry, or other fake items, post it here under “Shopping Detectives” category!
Sincerely, Anna