I’m considering to buy a prehistoric sword at Catawiki online auction. Here is the link: https://auction.catawiki.com/kavels/32695993-prehistoric-bronze-age-iron-extremely-big-luristan-sword-830x45x3-mm-1 The seller’s reputation seems to be spotless. Still, I have some doubts whether it is authentic. So, that’s the main question. And if it is authentic, how much it would be reasonable to bid? Thanks!
99% it is not authentic. This seller is well-known for selling fakes. He has been selling fakes for many years and has been mentioned in various collector forums for that reason. He has been using two seller accounts on Catawiki: balkan_celts and keltenfreakchen
As far as the reputation is concerned, you have to take into account that Catawiki is showing the feedback for the last 12 months only. All feedback, including negative, is nullified after one year.
I hope my answer doesn’t come too late for you.