I noticed that most of the questions here are about prices and authentic/fake issues. However, I would like to ask about the quality aspect. It’s about time to buy some Christmas presents and I am considering some Hugo Boss stuff among other things. The problem is that I have never had anything made by this brand. Is the quality good? Is it worth the price? Any experiences to share?
I’d say it depends really on what you want to buy. As far as Hugo Boss clothing is concerned, I have never had any serious issues with the quality. The prescription glasses I had were also pretty much ok. I wouldn’t say they were exactly worth the price I paid, though. For example, Emporio Armani prescription glasses I have had for the last 5 years still look like brand new, whereas Hugo Boss started to look like s… after 2 years or so.
If you are considering to buy a Hugo Boss wallet or a belt, I’d suggest you don’t. I have had two belts and two wallets made by Hugo Boss, and the story keeps on repeating itself: they all started to look shabby after less than a year. I attach the image of my wallet here that I have used for less than 8 months. It cost me EUR 169. I don’t really think this is good value for money. I believe that at this price it should serve you much longer and look perfect.
However, this problem relates not only to Hugo Boss. Most of the global brands have outsourced their manufacturing to third-world countries and are selling mirage of luxury instead of real luxury. I found an outstanding post on this issue recently. Here is the link: https://hbr.org/2019/05/how-luxury-brands-can-beat-counterfeiters
As they put it: “Many luxury brands have become symbols of status and privilege but not much else. The emphasis across the industry has been on signaling rather than delivering luxury”. Perfect! I couldn’t agree more!