I would like to know whether it is worth investing money in this extremely big emerald? –
I wonder why its retail replacement value is only $4960? An emerald this big should cost much more, shouldn’t it? Is it because it’s opaque and not transparent? Or there is some other reason?
Mfg, Axel (Berliner)
Dear Axel,
Definitely, it is not! It is not an emerald, it’s a green color dyed beryl. Basically what they do is take a very low-quality, colorless or nearly colorless beryl, dye it with green color, and say it’s an emerald. Well, it is not. In order to be regarded an emerald it has to be a naturally green beryl.
Its retail replacement value is a total nonsense. These huge dyed beryls cost around $20 – $50 (depending on their size). Some really big bricks weighing several kg can cost more. However, the real question is: what are you going to do with it? It is basically worthless. I mean, it has no real value.
Regards, Anna